Our heart for all people, but especially veterans is showing the love of Christ through our actions. These are some of the programs and activities in which we have been involved.
Once in a while God will put someone in our life to help physically, and nurture their faith. Jerry was just that person. He was homeless, sick, and feeling alone and abandoned. He happened by our Bible study one night and he broke our heart. We immediately put him in a hotel until VA could place him in a house, finally an apartment of his own. He was elated after living in a tent for many years. Sadly, Jerry passed on recently. God had truely given us a blessing. He was an intelligent young man, with a real heart for Jesus. He touched all our lives in ways we'll never understand or be able to express. RIP my friend.
We like to recognize our friend at Love a Michigan Vet, Nadine Jones, for her love of the veteran community, serving meals to homeless vets. We were fortunate to help sponser meals through Nadine for Emmanuel House in Detroit.
Twice a month Denny, Tim, and Terry deliver a truck load of food to Emmanuel House. Most things Chef needs to prepare the meals for Veteran residents. Goods are provided by Open Door Ministry in Canton.
We also support Vets Haven in Wayne Mich. They supply a food bank, clothing and short-term housing for homeless vets.
We continue to serve at Great Lakes National Cemetery every April and October since 2015 (except during Covid years) cleaning the headstones of dirt and debris. Spit (water) shine before inspection. We show respect, and give honor to those who gave their lives for us.
Vets for Christ continues to step up and provide Super Bowl game squares and great prizes for the residents at Piquette Square in Detroit. 2024 was our 10th year and so happy to again be able to bring food and socialize with everyone there. Big shout out to Marcus for helping us with the event.
Prior to Thanksgiving, 2014, we were approached by Higher Hopes Detroit, an outreach program by Southwest Solutions, to distribute Thanksgiving meals. We joined with them again in 2015. These were complete take-it-home-and-cook-it-up dinners for 10-12 people. Southwest had four locations around the city of Detroit, each giving out 250 dinners. All told this fed up to 12,000 people for Thanksgiving!
..and to the many individuals we love through our Lord Jesus Christ,