
Whenever we find useful information we will post it here. Our best support is helping each other. 

A new service we've recently been made aware of for any veteran needing dental work, specifically root canal and crowns. The U of Mich Endodontics Clinic. Message to with "WEC"  in subject line.

Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency

The Michigan Veteran Resource Service Center (MVRSC) open since 2015. The MVRSC gives veterans and their families one-stop, 24/7 access to federal benefit programs, state services and local resources.
The number to call is 1-800-MICH-VET or 1-800-642-4838, or visit

Veterans Advocates of Canton, Mi We help veterans get their disability benefits, help them with resources and assistance, we attend many outreaches and offer gifts with our resource material.      

The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers fund ( ) is a great resource for helping veterans of the Iraq and Afghan campaigns, while waiting for the VA to come to life.  We all know how slow the VA can be, this fund can bridge that gap and keep you afloat. Before you lose your home, before the winter freeze, before your children go hungry. Help is here, contact the FWSF. Donations are always welcome too! 

AGENT ORANGE EDUCATION CAMPAIGN:  Agent Orange and the effects on those exposed individuals including their potential next seven (7) generations. The Town Hall Meeting was presented by: Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Chapter 528 - Plymouth Canton, MI and Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America 528. Information from this townhall, and many resources can be found at:

The Ann Arbor VA Healthcare System (734) 769-7100
Washtenaw County DVA/Disability Benefits (734) 973-4540
Hud Vash/Home Assistance (202) 708-1112 Bridge Card/DHS (877) 823-4369 SSD/SSI/SSR (800) 772-1213
Safe House/Domestic Violence (734) 995-5444
Homeless Shelter/Salvation Army (586) 754-7400
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Detox (734) 215-7878
Suicide Hotline for Veterans/Crisis Line (800) 273-8255-Opt. 1 VA
Dental Program/VADIP (734) 845-3411

Any Info on any Type of Assistance MVRSC 1-800-642-4838/

Vets for Christ of Florida - Lakeland, FL

Copyright ©2024 Vets for Christ of Michigan, All Rights Reserved. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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