Contact Form

We are a Christian group, of all denominations, ministering to Veterans of all branches, wars, and service levels. Come sit with us, bring your stories, joys, and sorrows. We look to each other and God's Word for comfort, support, and advice.

We meet every Monday evening, 6:30 PM
   Connection Church
   3855 S Sheldon Rd
   Canton, MI
    (just north of Michigan Ave)

If you have questions, concerns, or prayer requests, please don't hesitate to drop a note in the space provided. One of our spiritual leaders:

Ralph Tacy,  IFOC Chaplain
Mike Panich,  Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Livonia    

  will be in touch with you shortly.

We would cherish the opportunity to talk with you, sharing the love of Christ. For general information feel free to contact us.

Copyright ©2024 Vets for Christ of Michigan, All Rights Reserved. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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