Vets for Christ of Michigan has been established as a non-profit organization for the purpose of providing aid to American military veterans, and their immediate families, while promoting Christian values. Our actions and deeds are based on Biblical principals of sin and judgment. We love and care for individuals without condoning, accepting, or promoting sinful behavior.

Vets for Christ was the God-granted plan given to our spiritual leader and current president, Ralph Tacy. We began in 2014 as a men's group holding a weekly bible study, in a restaurant. The public location was intended to promote Jesus Christ to all denominations without fear of proselytizing any particular religion. That most of the group were military veterans we wanted to use that catalyst for the aid of other vets, a section of society often disregarded. Since our humble beginnings Vets for Christ has been able to provide food, clothing, personal hygiene supplies, wheelchairs, other similar medical equipment, and household goods to various shelters and individual veterans in the Detroit area.

In 2021 we incorporated as a non-profit in the state of Michigan, and have been granted 501(c)3 status by the IRS.
Spiritual Leaders
Ralph Tacy, IFOC Chaplain
Mike Panich, Pastor
Wayne Byrum, Pastor
Rich Whipple, Chaplain
Copyright ©2024 Vets for Christ of Michigan, All Rights Reserved. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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